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Air rights, Boundaries, Conservation


“In a country as landscarce as Singapore, spatial justice becomes as important as social justice. Beyond housing, there must be an equitable use for transport and other amenities, for industry and investment, and for nature and recreation. When land becomes scarce and population density increase, how is the state going to maintain the precarious balance between landuse for public good and private developments and amenities affordable only by the affluent? Where will conservation of buildings stand? If not for the constant reclamation of land which is unsustainable due to rising sea level and climate change, land scapes will eventually run out that air space would rise to become equally profitable.” The ownership of land in Singapore includes everything above the air and below the ground, within the boundaries of the land.This project aims to set the tone for conservation, through the flexibility of selling air space to allow existing land to reach its full potential. In addition, the appearance of sky linkways between apartment blocks and highrise buidlings have increased in the recent years. This occurance is apparent in our group’s proposed masterplan. New linkways draw on existing ones to create linkages between residential and other buildings, ultimately joining to form a second street level. However this creates the issue of blurred boundaries between private properties as point of entry to buildings becomes ambiguous due to the absence of physical and visual barriers at sky level.  Hence, this project also explores this ambiguity

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